The newly discovered brain signal which may be a key to being human

Scientists around Albert Gidon and Matthew Larkum of the Institute for Biology of the Humboldt University in Berlin announce in Science the discovery  of a yet unknown form of brain cell messaging which seems unique to humans, and which greatly increases the information processing power of the brain. 

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Gunnar Heinsohn: 10th century collapse - sources and archaeology

Trevor Palmer: Writers and Re-Writers of the First Millennium (e-book)

Trevor Palmer Quantavolution Conference Athens 2011

The reasons I had for writing this article are summarized on pages 4-5 of the e-book. Whilst I'm sympathetic in general towards unorthodox theories, I never, as a matter of principle, argue that any particular theory is right (or wrong)... I just try to ensure that as much relevant evidence as possible is brought out into the open, in a fair way, to enable informed debates to take place about individual theories, and for supporters of particular theories to be able to address apparent problems (...).

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Tristan Carter: Naxos-Neanderthals - the big paper

the team of Stelida Neanderthal Archaeological Project digging on Alfred de Grazia's land

The evidence for early presence of Neanderthals and earlier hominins on the Greek Aegean island of Naxos, as discovered on the land of Alfred de Grazia, shortly after his death... (See here)

>>>Here, we detail evidence from excavations at the chert source of Stelida on what today is the island of Naxos in the middle of the Aegean Basin, where paleodosimetric dates suggest that hominins were present in the region by 200 ka ago, accessing the chert quarry during a glacial lowstand when exposed land connected Anatolia to continental Southeast Europe, by seafaring, or through some combination of the two. Throughout the remainder of the Pleistocene, this region was occupied and/or traversed at least sporadically, including by early H. sapiens ~40 to 30 ka ago (who may have arrived by boat), and later by indisputably seafaring Mesolithic hunter-gatherers of the Early Holocene...<<<

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Wal Thornhill: The SAFIRE Project

Wal Thornhill presents the SAFIRE Project, a courageous, privately funded scientific experiment designed to test the theory of an electric (as against thermo-nuclear) powered Sun. 
The SAFIRE Project - video One

Gunnar Heinsohn: Rome and Jerusalem - a stratigraphy-based chronology of the Ancient World 

Did the Romans nostrify the history of the Etruscans to lengthen their own chronology? To put the question differently: Does one historical period appear twice in our textbooks? Do contemporary histories of Rome and Etruria mistakenly appear in chronological sequence...?

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Sodom annihilated by meteoritic blast

tall el-hammam the biblical Sodom being excavated

As reported in Science News,  an interdisciplinary team of archaeologists and scientists are using the Siberian Tunguska explosion of 1908 which flattened 80 million trees as a model to explain the equally mysterious end to a thriving civilization that had lived for three thousand years in a plain near the Dead Sea.

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Lightning triggers nuclear reactions

gamma-ray emissions cascades caused by lightning strikes

A Kyoto University-based team has unraveled the mystery of gamma-ray emission cascades caused by lightning strikes. (Kyoto University/GROWTH collaboration)

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