Alfred de Grazia
- Biography
- Alfred de Grazia: from political science to quantavolution - Part 2 (by Anne-Marie de Grazia)
- Alfred de Grazia: from political science to quantavolution - Part 1 (by Anne-Marie de Grazia)
- Alfred de Grazia dies (Dec. 29, 1919 - July 13, 2014)
- (July 18th, 2014)
- (June 21, 2014)
- (May 2014)
- (February 2014)
- Alfred de Grazia awarded the Legion of Honor
- (Autumn 2013)
- (Summer 2013)
- (spring 2013)
- (winter 2013)
- (summer 2012)
- (winter-spring 2011-2012)
- (summer 2011)
- Life
- Books by Alfred de Grazia
Alfred de Grazia: from political science to quantavolution - Part 2 (by Anne-Marie de Grazia)

...Which is why I would like to talk to you today of where Quantavolution came from, which is to say, from where Alfred de Grazia came to Quantavolution...
Alfred de Grazia: from political science to quantavolution - Part 1 (by Anne-Marie de Grazia)

...Which is why I would like to talk to you today of where Quantavolution came from, which is to say, from where Alfred de Grazia came to Quantavolution...
Alfred de Grazia dies (Dec. 29, 1919 - July 13, 2014)
Pity the mourners, not the dead.
Mourning is worse than dying.
Calculating the sadness and tears,
the forlorn reaching for the dead,
I hardly dare to die. It would be
an imposition upon friend and family.
But they ought esteem more the
trouble I take to outlive them,
to keep them happy and chattering
about my faults:
“What silly thing will he do next?”
(Short of dying, of course,
than which nothing is worse
save the mourning that follows.)
From: Twentieth-Century Firesale
(July 18th, 2014)

(June 21, 2014)

At Sceaux-sur-Huisne, at the unveiling of a stele honoring the memory of the American crew of a B-26 which crashed 70 years ago.
(May 2014)

In London, with Anne-Marie, Alexandre and Mahatma Gandhi in Tavistock Square
(February 2014)
February 15, 2014 Receiving the Légion d'Honneur
Alfred de Grazia awarded the Legion of Honor
On December 29, 2013, Alfred de Grazia celebrated his 94th birthday with a gathering of mistletoe and a walk along the river Huisne. Two days later, on December 31, 2013, by Presidential Decree, he was named a Chevalier (Knight) of the Legion of Honor, France's highest order of distinction.
(Autumn 2013)
(Summer 2013)
With Vladimir Pudov in Protva (Kalouga Oblast, Russia)
Lunch after visiting Tretiakov Gallery, Moscow
In Moscow, with Nikolai Erokhin (Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Science), Ludmilla (Moscow University), Nadya (PhysTech, Moscow), Piotr (Landau Institute, Moscow)
(spring 2013)

(winter 2013)

La Ferté-Bernard
(summer 2012)

in Naxos

At the Conference of Quantavolution in Naxos
(winter-spring 2011-2012)

At La Ferté-Bernard (with Ami)

At Vendôme

Villaines-la-Gonais, December 29

With Dogon masks at Musée du Quai Branly, in Paris
(summer 2011)

in Paris

3468m up Mont-Blanc (Pointe Helbronner)

In Tuscany (with Ami)

in Naxos
Alfred de Grazia, creator of the Quantavolution Paradigm, was born December 1919 in Chicago. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Chicago in political science, studied law at Columbia and was furloughed for four years to participate in six campaigns of World War II, from North Africa through Sicily, Italy, France, and Germany. He was instrumental in a number of psychological warfare operations.
Returning, he took part in Chicago politics, managing congressional and aldermanic campaigns, then earning a Ph.D. in political science at the University of Chicago. His dissertation, begun before the war in a series of papers, became the outstanding work on political representation, Public and Republic. His 2000-page war correspondence with his wife, Jill Oppenheim, carried on grazian-archive became known as perhaps the largest and best of the genre of "lovers in wartime." Jill (deceased) was a writer and sociologist, and mother of his seven children.
He held appointments and taught at the University of Chicago, University of Minnesota, Brown University, Stanford University and New York University, He lectured widely on political and social behavior, and wrote a score of books in these fields. He founded and edited The American Behavioral Scientist for ten years before it blossomed into many journals under Sage Publications. He switched his main track after his work on World Order (Kalos), into study and writing of prehistorical catastrophes, the field of Quantavolution that he shared with a growing number of pioneering scholars, therein publishing 14 books, in fields ranging from primeval psychology to astrophysical disasters affecting Earth. In the ABS he co-authored, edited and published The Velikovsky Affair, a term which he coined to define a large scientific and public controversy. He published the book by the same name, in 1963.
From Velikovsky, he adopted the theory of wide-ranging catastrophes affecting the history of the Earth, of the solar system, and of humankind, and of vastly contracted time spans, which he came to call "Quantavolution, a paradigm of sudden, widescale, intensive catastrophes-anastrophes." His latest work in Quantavolution is The Iron Age of Mars [2009]. He is presently living in France with his wife of thirty years, French author Anne-Marie (Ami) de Grazia. In 2011, he published A Taste of War - Soldiering in World War II a new edition of his war memoirs.
His America's History Retold, (3 vol.) was first published on-line in 1998, then in book form in 2012.
Alfred de Grazia received the Légion d'Honneur, the highest French distinction, in 2014. He died age 94 in France on July 13th, 2014.
On October 31, 2014, he was made posthumously a Distinguished Member of the Regiment (DMOR) of Psychological Operations, Special Operations Command, at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
Books by Alfred de Grazia - Most of Alfred de Grazia's books are published on his 2,000,000+visitors/y website:
Books on Quantavolution

Immanuel Velikovsky, Alfred de Grazia
The Quantavolution Series:
(all by Metron Publications, Princeton, NJ.)
Chaos and Creation, (1981)
The Lately Tortured Earth, (1982)
Homo Schizo I. (1982)
Homo Schizo II. (1982)
The Divine Succession, (1982)
The Disastrous Love Affair of Moon and Mars, (1983)
Solaria Binaria, (with E. R. Milton), (1983)
The Burning of Troy, (1984)
Cosmic Heretics, (1984)
The Iron Age of Mars, 2009
Books in Political Science

Seated: Rep. Abner Mikvah, Harvey Mansfield Jr., Robert Goldwin, Sen. Charles Percy, Alfred de Grazia, Harry Jaffa and Samuel Gove;
Center: Rep. Charles Matthias, Jr., Robert Novak, Herman Pritchett, Leo Strauss, Robert Horwitz, Robert Pickup, and Rep. Donald Rumsfeld;
Rear: Rep. Robert Kastenmeier, Loye Miller, Jr., Gordon Baker, Allen Otten, Judge Hubert Will, Rep. Clark McGregor, Thomas Littlewood and David Broder.
Michels, Roberto, First lectures in political sociology. Translated, with an introduction, by Alfred de Grazia. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, [1949]. And Harper & Row, 1965.
Public and republic: political representation in America. New York: Alfred Knopf, 1951.
The elements of political science Series: Borzoi Books in Political Science. New York: Knopf, 1952. And second revised edition: Politics and government: the elements of political science Vol 1: The element of political science and Vol. 2: Political organization. [1962]. New York: Collier, 1962– . And new revised edition, New York: Free Press London: Collier Macmillan, 1965.
The Western Public: 1952 and beyond. A study of political behaviour in the western United States. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1954.
The American way of government. National edition. New York : Wiley, 1957. There is also a "National, State and Local edition".
Foundation for Voluntary Welfare Grass roots, private welfare : winning essays of the 1956 national awards competition of the Foundation for Voluntary Welfare. Alfred de Grazia, editor. New York: New York University Press, 1957.
American welfare. New York: New York University Press, 1961 (with Ted Gurr).
World politics: a study in international relations. Series: College Outline Series. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1962.
Apportionment and representative government. Series: Books that matter. New York : Praeger, c1963
Essay on apportionment and representative government. Washington : American Enterprise Institute, 1963
Revolution in teaching: new theory, technology, and curricula. With an introduction by Jerome Bruner. New York: Bantam Books, [1964] (Editor, with David A. Sohn).
Universal Reference System. Political science, government, and public policy: an annotated and intensively indexed compilation of significant books, pamphlets, and articles, selected and processed by the Universal Reference System. Prepared under the direction of Alfred De Grazia, general editor, Carl E. Martinson, managing editor, and John B. Simeone, consultant. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Research Pub. Co., 1965–69. ''Plus'' nine more volumes on the subjects of: International Affairs;'Economic Regulation; Public Policy and the Management of Science; Administrative Management; Comparative Government and Cultures; Legislative Process; Bibliography of Bibliographies in Political Science, Government and Public Policy; Current Events and Problems of Modern Society; Public Opinion, Mass Behavior and Political Psychology; Law, Jurisprudence and Judicial Process.
Republic in crisis: Congress against the executive force. New York: Federal Legal Publications, [1965].
Political behavior. Series: Elements of political science; 1. New, revised edition. New York: Free press paperback, 1966.
Congress, The First Branch of Government, editor, Doubleday – Anchor Books, 1967.
Congress and the Presidency: Their Roles in Modern Times, with Arthur M. Schlesinger, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, Washington, 1967.
The Behavioral Sciences: Essays in honor of George A. Lundberg, editor, Behavioral Research Council, Great Barrington, Mass;, 1968.
Old Government, New People: Readings for the New politics, et al., Scott, Foresman, Glenview, Ill., 1971.
Politics for Better or Worse, Scott, Foresman, Glenview, Ill., 1973.
Eight Branches of Government: American Government Today, w. Eric Weise, Collegiate Pub., 1975.
Eight Bads – Eight Goods: The American Contradictions, Doubleday – Anchor Books, 1975.
Supporting Art and Culture: 1001 Questions on Policy, Lieber-Atherton, New York, 1979.
A Cloud Over Bhopal: Causes, Consequences, and Constructive Solutions, Kalos Foundation for the India-America Committee for the Bhopal Victims: Popular Prakashan, Bombay, 1985.
The American State of Canaan – the peaceful, prosperous juncture of Israel and Palestine as the 51st State of the United States of America, Metron Publications, Princeton, NJ, 2009 LCCN 2008945276.
Autobiography, Poetry, etc.
The Babe, Child of Boom and Bust in Old Chicago, umbilicus mundi, Quiddity Press, Metron Publications, Princeton, N.J., 1992.
The Student: at Chicago in Hutchin's Hey-day, Quiddity Press, Metron Publications, Princeton N.J., 1991.
A Taste of War: Soldiering in World War II, Metron Publications, Princeton, N.J., 1992 & 2011.
Passage of the Year, Poetry, Quiddity Press, Metron publications, Princeton, N.J., 1967.
Twentieth Century Fire-Sale, Poetry, Quiddity Press, Metron Publications, Princeton, N.J., 1996.
La Roccia di Sisifo, directed by Pilar Latini, Bergamo, 2004.
Il Gene della Speranza, directed by Kinokitchen, Pisa, 2006.

Yang 2020

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