Gunnar Heinsohn: Anno Domini and the distortion of scientific dating

The basic error of scientific daters of the past is that they do not compare the tree rings and ice layers, which they count in forests or in Greenland, with settlement layers that can be verified by archaeologists. Instead, they compare their data with the AD dates that mainstream historians write in their books. The BP measuring system used by scientific daters originated in the 20th century. The origin of AD dating, on the other hand, is not verifiable before the 11th century AD (with the exception of some manuscripts that have never been analyzed scientifically). Thus, there is no place in the 1st millennium AD where historians or chronologists would have kept a complete record of the years AD 1-1000.
Earth and Moon once had common magnetic field and atmosphere
Gunnar Heinsohn: Hadrian Umayyads in Jerusalem
Reading from Claude Schaeffer's "Stratigraphie Comparée..."
An organic origin in space from water on Earth (and some oil, too)?
Gunnar Heinsohn: Were there really no people in Poland between 300 and 600 AD?
Ravenna and Chronology
The new (final) Tunguska theory?
The handsome dead with ram-bones
The (almost) cuddly 18,000y old puppy
Neanderthal string