The iron of the Bronze Age was meteoritic
meteoritic iron was used before terrestrial iron ore could be transformed
The cataclysmic birth of gold
Precious metals are forged in the cataclysmic collision of neutron stars and then flung out into the universe where they eventually aggregate with other stardust into larger bodies, like planets or comets. Previously scientists had theorised that such cosmic smashes could create the vast amount of energy needed to...
Laoupi-Bio-advantages of the Neanderthals - References
Neanderthal bio-advantages III. (Humans in caves - health advantages) Neanderthal bio-advantages II. (Environmental...
Jean-Pierre Petit's twin universes: the Janus Model
On Youtube: Jean-Pierre Petit's presentation in english
Dentistry in the Upper-Palaeolithic
<13,000 years ago, expert scraping of cavities in incisors and bitumen fillings, Riparo Fredian Italy>
In memoriam Laszlo Koertvélyéssy (1932-2017)
Laszlo Koertvelyessy, physicist, inventor and industrialst, died May 8th, 2017 in Budapest.