Did Comet Heinrich-Swift-Tuttle terminate Roman and global civilization?

“In the same year frightening omens were seen, namely comets, which were visible from October 17 to November 1. This phenomenon made many people tremble, because they feared a furious plague or at least an overthrow of the regime. At the least, many disturbing signs appeared before Heinrich's passing [936 AD] . The sun was without light, although the skies were clear and cloudless, but it looked blood-red through the windows. Also, it was said, the mountain in which the mighty king was buried spat fire in several places. / The comet was followed by a flood and the latter by a pestilence of cattle..."
Widukind of CORVEY (925-973 CE) Rerum gestarum saxonicarum libri tres Liber II: XXXII. DE PORTENTIS

Orbit and debris of Comet Swift-Tuttle - creating the Perseid meteorites showers (Astronomic Picture of the Day August 8, 2018)
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