Gunnar Heinsohn: The stratigraphy of Rome - benchmark for the chronology of the first millennium CE
Gunnar Heinsohn's article in pdf
Jean-Pierre Petit: The Janus Model
Nunc sapien mauris, imperdiet ac pellentesque quis, facilisis non sapien. Maecenas congue vehicula mi, id luctus mi scelerisque nec. Cras viverra libero ut velit ullamcorper volutpat. Maecenas ut dolor eget ante interdum auctor quis sed nunc. Proin faucibus, mauris vitae molestie sodales, erat nisi rhoncus justo, in placerat turpis elit sed eros...
The End of the World - A Summer Reading
<1894 ground-breaking early sci-fi novel of comet collision with earth in 25th century by camille flammarion french astronomer>
Space-Time as a field of Mass
a new model of physical reality proposed by italian admiral flavio barbiero