A word from the editor

Almost unbelievably, Alfred de Grazia has been dead for over a year. Q-MAG.org was created in 2011 in order the respond to a need expressed by many, to see the books of his Quantavolution Series gauged against the latest developments in the sciences, mainstream or speculative. A rewriting of the books would of course have been out of the question, moreover the very terms of the comparison are evolving ceaselessly and with great rapidity. And the themes and subjects are innumerable. So that a blog-type magazine seemed to offer an adequate solution. I have been solely responsible for the contents and the apparence and the running of Q-MAG.org since its inception. The choice of subjects and articles has come to me easily, as a continuation of our almost thirty-seven full years of daily discussions at breakfast, lunch and dinner, on walks, drives and plane rides, in libraries and cafés, facing the Aegean Sea at Naxos or in a succession of homes in New Jersey, France and Italy... Reading newspaper articles or receiving the latest letters, books and writings from our friends... Getting together with these friends over the decades, in ever renewed symposia. Alfred and I lived together 24 hours a day, spending all in all only a few weeks of our common life apart, and we have never, not once, run out of conversation - thanks to his boundless curiosity and desire to analyze, compare and integrate... and his compelling distaste for small-talk. Q-MAG.org is only a subdued continuation of these dialogic marathons.
Anne-Marie de Grazia
Naxos, October 12, 2015