In memoriam Laszlo Koertvélyéssy (1932-2017)

Our friend, Dr Laszlo Koertvélyéssy, died in Budapest on May 8th, 2017, age 85, after several years of ill health,"holding a rhododendron flower from (his) garden." He had been born in Budapest in 1932 and graduated from Budapest Technical University in 1954, from where he joined the internationally most prestigious Hungarian firm, TUNGSRAM, the maker of light bulbs.
He fled the communist regime in 1971 and settled in Germany, where he took on a position as scientific research engineer at Degussa/Hanau. In 1974, he became senior designer at Ipsen International Kleve.
He held more than 30 patents and published many articles, changing the conceptions of modern temperature measurement.

In 1985, he founded his own firm and factory, THERMO-CONTROL, Körtvélyessy GmbH, in Kleve, Germany, to produce several devices of his own invention, one of them a very high-precision, high-temperature thermometer. The company is now run by his son, Dr Daniel Koervélyéssy.
In 1998, he published the book Thermoelement Praxis, (in German), still the reference book on this subject. A new edition came out in 2015.

Beginning May 13, 1994, he started working on the idea that "the Sun separates electricity in the manner of a thermoelement." It lead to his book The Electric Universe, (in English) and website of the same name (not to be confused with the more general and encompassing Electric Universe Theory of Wallace Thornhill and David Talbott, and their book).
I much recommend, on Laszlo's website, the papers listed as scripts, such as The Six States of Matter.
Dr Laszlo Koertvlyéssy joined us at the Conference of Quantavolution at Paris, Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, June 7th-11th, 2008, and the Conference of Quantavolution in Kandersteg, Switzerland, June 6th-9th, 2009.
See also That Hot Corona - three unconventional views on the nature of the Solar corona.

Dr Koertvélyéssy is to be cremated on May 29, 2017.
On May 8th, 2017 Dr. László Körtvélyessy, physicist, candidate of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, member of the Royal Astronomy Society, has passed into another dimension from where to eye the wonders of the Universe.
The sending off and mourning Mass before cremation will be held on Monday, May 29th, at 12.00 in the City Mayor Heart of Jesus Church. His ashes will later be placed with his parents' grave at the Farkasrét (Wolve's Meadow) Cemetery, Budapest.
He is mourned by his wife, his sons, cousins, siblings, the greater family, friends, all those who loved and respected him.
May he rest in peace.