Aeneas in Latium - The Founding of Rome
from: The Burning of Troy (chap. 3), by Alfred de Grazia

Cover of the 1981 exhibition "Aeneas in Latium" in Rome.
For some time now, the founding of Rome has been accredited to truculent Latin rustics lost in the miasma of VIII. century BC history. The more glorious legend of its establishment by Homeric heroes, particularly Aeneas, prince of Troy, has been in abeyance. However, in the light of recent theory and newly uncovered fact, the two stories can be blended into a credible account...
"The Founding of Rome" is Chapter 3 in Alfred de Grazia's book The Burning of Troy, newly republished. Other chapters include:
- The Burning ofTroy
- Micah's Ark
- The Catastrophic Finale of the Middle Bronze Age
- Updating Schaeffer's Destruction Inventory
- Nine Spheres of Venusian Effects
- The Obliteration of Human Signs
- Ancient Astronauts
- Indians of Illinois
- Ice Cores of Greenland
- A Failed Excursion to the Caves of Aquitaine
- The Latecoming Olduvia Gorge
- Athens Quakes
- Comptinology and Tohu-Bohu
- Sandal-Straps and Semiology
- Making Moonshine with Hard Science
- Holy Dreamtime in Wonguri Land
- The Unconscious as a Literary Revolt Against Science
- O.K. Origins
- Jupiter's Bands and Saturn's Rings
- Marx, Engels and Darwin
- Religion and Education
- The Outlook of Scientists
- "Scientific" Reporting
- Eulogies to Three Quantavolutionists: Livio C. Stecchini, Ralph Juergens, Immanuel Velikovsky